Brotherhood of Old School Bikers

"Following and living the old ways"

Established 2008

"We are the original BOSB not to be confused with any other organization"

Loyalty - Honor - Respect

"Bikers are a rare breed, Harley riders are a dime a dozen"

The Brotherhood of Old School Bikers is a true old school Brotherhood in every sense of the word, we are not an MC and claim no territory.  We do however believe strongly in the "Old Ways" and the Traditions and protocols in which the clubs of the 1940's and 50's were formed and ran.  We believe our Brothers of that era had it right and set the standard for all of us that followed, we strive to follow their example to the letter and hope that by following their traditions and protocols we are a reflection of the Loyalty, Honor, Respect and Brotherhood they taught.  We are not a Motorcycle Club, a riding club or a social club and you cannot purchase a patch or buy your way in, membership is special and is most certainly not for everyone and just like trust and respect has to be earned.
Unlike some old school organizations the BOSB is not "Brand specific" we do not require nor do we care what particular brand of motorcycle you ride, only that you ride.

"Our Word is our bond"

The Brotherhood of Old School Bikers mission is a commitment to work toward preserving and promoting the Biker Life style and is dedicated to promoting peace and harmony among clubs and independent bikers.  The BOSB also endeavors to educate the young or inexperienced and uneducated riders who express an interest in learning about the Biker Life style.   We strive to teach the true meaning of Loyalty, Honor Respect and the Protocols within the Biker Life Style and that all the above is taught not bought and earned by actions, which can lead to true Brotherhood.  We are older bikers that have paid our dues and most have been riding for 40 plus years, some even longer and know the life style.   We of the BOSB believe that one is never too old or wise to learn something new each day or relearn something you may have forgotten.  If you would like to learn more about the lifestyle and Bikers in general please contact us via our email connection on the bottom of the page.  In your email introduce yourself and tell us something about you, how long you have been riding and your riding experience.   We do not tolerated club bashing or badmouthing any club, organization or individual, so be respectful, honorable and honest with your comments.

"We display both of our flags with great pride and no prejudice"

The BOSB supports our troops and would like to thank all of our veterans past and present for their unselfish service to our country and for insuring our continued freedom.

God Bless America

In memory of those who lost
their lives September 11, 2001
Lets all remember those who lost their lives in the cowardly attack on the World Trade Center,
Pentagon,and PA and reaffirm our pledge to NEVER forget until all terrorists have assumed room temperature!

The BOSB supports "Motorcycle Awareness Campaign" aka MAC in their efforts to educate new riders and the general public about the necessity of motorcycle safety,  below is a link to the MAC Site

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Copyright © 2008 - All Logo's and Patches as well as the name, "BROTHERHOOD OF OLD SCHOOL BIKERS" and the initials "BOSB" are the sole property of the "BROTHERHOOD OF OLD SCHOOL BIKERS" and may not be used copied or duplicated without the expressed written permission of the "BROTHERHOOD OF OLD SCHOOL BIKERS" - All rights reserved.  Graphics & Animations by L.C.Patterson (Mrs. RH), copyright 2003--2008--2012   Website designed and maintained by OSB RoadHog

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